Deck the Halls with Solid Boundaries: Tips to Avoid People-Pleasing

Do the holidays bring out your inner people-pleaser? Many of us struggle to say “no” to family and friends around the holidays, even when it means compromising our own well-being. Check out our special edition blog for 7 tips to tame your inner people-pleaser this holiday season.

8 Risks to English Language Learners in Special Education

English Language Learners face numerous obstacles in a traditional classroom setting, but what about ELLs who require special education? Check out this week’s blog to learn about risks that ELLs with learning differences face, and how we can help.

Caring for Cognition: 8 Steps for Middle & High School Students to Prioritize Healthy Thinking in the New School Year

Every student wants to bring their A-game when they start a new school year, but back-to-school stressors can sometimes impair our ability to think clearly, logically, and critically. Check out this month’s blog to learn 8 steps students  can take to care for their cognition as they head back to class.

My Kid is Struggling in School – Should I Get Them Tested?

Having your kid tested for learning differences may seem overwhelming, but testing is often a student's launchpad to receiving a truly equitable and enriching learning experience. Read this week’s blog to find answers to some of the most pressing questions about diagnostic testing. 

Adaptive Functioning: What Is It, and How Does It Affect Learning?

Brushing your teeth, asking questions, getting to school on time: do you know what adaptive functioning skills are, and how they impact student success? Check out this month’s blog to discover the importance of adaptive functioning for students, and learn what you can do if your student struggles with adaptive behaviors. 

Is Residential Placement the Best Option for my Child or Teen?

The idea of residential schools can be scary to parents, but these specialized programs can offer life-changing benefits for students whose needs cannot be met through standard schooling. Read this week’s blog to learn when residential placement is often appropriate, and how Variations can help parents considering this path for their child’s education.

Does My Child Have Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder? 7 Ways to Identify DMDD

Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD) inhibits a child’s ability to control their emotions, resulting in various challenges in their social and academic lives. Read this month’s blog to learn how a parent can identify DMDD in their kid, and how our diagnosticians can help.

Does My Kid Qualify for an IEP Under “Other Health Impairment (OHI)”?

Unlike most of IDEA’s 13 categories, the “Other Health Impairment” category covers a broad range of conditions, from ADHD to depression. Check out this month’s blog to learn more about this important category and whether your child might qualify for an IEP under its umbrella.